
On my day off, I went over to my Mum's to continue with the sorting, but the day took a bit of an unexpected turn when we went up to check the loft. The leaking and damp has got worse, soaking quite a few boxes. We had to empty the boxes and clear the chimney breast in preparation for the builders, and this lead to a very unplanned clear out. It was quite fun discovering forgotten treasures, but the loft is a really cramped, difficult space and after about 4 hours we had both had enough. We then still had loads of sorting to do with the stuff now in the house, and took a trip to the tip. We found suitcases and boxes full of my Dad's slides, which have been added to the piles of photos and slides I already have to sort. I now feel physically and emotionally exhausted from today; it was so hard going through things of my Dad's and just dearly wanting to ask him about them.

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