Sitting in a sunbeam

The sun is filling the room where I sit right now and it feels so good. I have found myself the perfect spot where a sunbeam is coming onto my legs and warming my entire body.
Did I mention I have no heat today?
I woke up to the house being a chilly 62 degrees and knew right away that something must be wrong with heat. Although I do turn the thermostat down at night, I do not turn it that low! I reset the thermostat thinking that was the problem but the heat never came on. I have a call into the service repair people but they estimate they will not be here until between four and 8 p.m. Since the sun goes down around five, I sure do hope they come closer to four then eight. Right now, it is about 59 degrees in the house and that is with the fireplace going. Brrrr!
On a positive note, I certainly got more accomplished today. I was in constant motion trying to keep warm. Sitting in one place, even to try to read, was not worth it. Now that the sun is finally hitting the back of the house, I have a sunny spot to read the paper.
I did take a quick trip up the road to the railroad bridge where I was able to get a shot from the bridge looking down to the tracks. I had taken this shot once before in the spring but it sure does look different now with all the snow.

Edit: The service repair man was here and has repaired the heat! It's nice and toasty in here now.

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