The story so far...


I'm not laughing either

Today was one of the first days mummy has found having two babies truly hard. Cam was in a horrible mood this morning went we went to hartbeeps. He screamed, shouted, stuck his fingers in plug sockets, had to be literally dragged across the floor at one point and just pushed mummy to her brink.
All became clear at lunch time though. He was completely ravenous despite a large breakfast. Mummy has never seen him eat so much food. He had a bowl of pasta, some chips, one and a half oranges, a packet of apple chips, a yogurt and a full pack of goodies crisps. At this pint mummy cut him off but he clearly still wasn't full and dinner was a similar situation as lunch. He did cheer up a bit though which made life easier as Ollie still hates the new teats and feeding him is taking forever resulting in him screaming blue murder. Not what we are used to from the most chilled out baby ever!
Thank goodness mummy is out tonight. Mines a bottle of wine and a straw please!

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