Dry Ground

It is DRY. No rain. First in a long, long time.

Took Daughter to the dentist this morning and on the way back she decided that she wanted a fry-up for lunch. So, had to stop at the shop for provisions. I think when you are not well you just have to go with what you crave. Her History teacher has been really good and he has rescheduled her History pre-lim for Monday. Her music teacher has agreed to change her performance part of the exam to Monday which should be much better. At the moment she is still snotty so don't think her singing voice would be too good tomorrow and she still doesn't feel like battering the drum kit.

Attempted to lift money at the bank and the machine took my card again. This is the third time I have had problems so I have requested a new card.

Took advantage of the dry weather and I have swept the patio. May also do a little pottering. I think Roxy is overjoyed to see the dry ground. She hasn't had a good run around the garden in ages. I can't remember when I last saw the patio looking like this. DRY.

(Have been trying to catch Roxy jumping down the stairs but even with a fast shutterspeed I am struggling. Will have to try again)

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