Present tense
Another lazy blip. Nice sunny day today, but no time for blip wanders. This is TallGirl's Christmas present to me.
Tomorrow I really must find my battery charger and make up with my Nikon. We've struggled a bit lately and, I have to admit, I have looked at other cameras. The dust spots on the sensor are evidence that I've just stopped trying.... I think we need a few long romantic strolls together to get the magic back.
Today was a battle against the forces of the sea cadets which, ultimately, I lost. But I may have been saved by a quite delightful lady who can give us a room.
The room, by the way, is for a celebration for TallGirl. We didn't have a naming ceremony for her because we'd never been to one and didn't quite know what one looked like. Instead we confidently stated that we'd do something like a non-religious bar mitzvah when she was older, like 12 or 13.... And in the blink of an eye, here we are.
So, it's a secular coming of age thing, with no new agey stuff or talking about periods (which frankly is a bit long to fit on the invites).
And we still haven't a clue what it might look like - except that TallGirl will blush a lot, I'll cry and everyone will get slightly more squiffy on champagne than they intended.
If we ever get a venue.
In other news, my plan for the school won't work because French legally enshrined parity for state and private education is a mirage, and TallGirl fell off the biggest horse at full gallop tonight. They were amazed she wasn't broken. Having carried her upstairs twice tonight I'm amazed I'm not broken. We think it's just a bruised hip.
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