Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths

The a Journey Begins

Off to work first thing a couple of meetings and tidying up a couple of loose ends. Home via a ski shop, some more packing, out for a haircut, then back home in time for the shuttle at 2.30. Phew!

And then the airport and on the plane". We're off! Christchurch, Auckland. Auckland LA. LA, Calgary. Leaving at 4.30pm arriving same day in Calgary at 6.30pm. Snow is forecast, with a high of minus 9 and a low of minus 17. Ouch.

Auckland LA flight went well, upgrade to premium economy, so somewhat comfortable, but get kids did their best to stay up all night and just play games and watch movies! Didn't make it, but Adam did well, asleep at 1am and up at 5am. Very excited.

3 layover and then on our way again, Calgary and the snow here we come!

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