Gaia's Child

By maura143


made his journey over the Rainbow Bridge last evening. He passed with the very dignity and inner strength we loved him for. This is a photo of Ringo, named such for a white ring around the end of his tail, when he was a very young cat, probably less than two. We found him in the leaves staring at a dead young rat. It was not apparent whether he had slain it or if it had expired by another's tooth and claw. In his 13 years with us we never knew him to harm another being. He was a very gentle and Zen-like cat. Goodbyes are always difficult but we have many, many wonderful photos and memories of the Sylvester Cat…Ringo. Go in Peace Sweet Boy and say hello from us to Pinkie, TUX, Morgan, Pearl and d'Jembe; The Nasty Bird!

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