
By scintilla

Fall Concert 2009

K has come a long way with her oboe since picking up a saxophone in 5th grade. The theme was Halloween given the pseudo holiday is coming up this weekend. Their rendition of "The Inferno" was quite fitting and rendered brilliantly. K dressed as a '20s flapper for the occasion (furthest on the left).

For those interested, here's an update on my foot. After an agonizing flight home, my foot started to thob and turn red. I bit the bullet and went to the ER. It was Xrayed without demonstrable fracture. I was started on a course of oral antibiotics and convalesced on the couch with a pressure wrap and my foot elevated. The foot responded well and is of normal size and reasonable color. The blister popped, but is getting better. The pain with ambulation is slowly but steadily improving. Thanks for everyone's concern.

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