Don't Do It Oscar!

Hi Tom

I had Oscar cut today. He looks like he's trying to hang himself. This was obviously before he had a cut. At least he was much cleaner than the last blip I did of him. You would probably say he's had too much off and wouldn't like his cut but it needed to be done. He gets so many bits and pieces caught up in his fur and it takes ages to brush/ pull it all out. Let's not forget the mud that clings to him as well.

I missed my lunchtime boot session because of this cut. Lydia the groomer was a bit late leaving which made it too late for me to go. Never mind I did go first thing. Plus I did have quite a few things to do.

I needed to get my sports kits washed as I need quite a bit for the weekend. I also went up in the loft again and sorted another couple of boxes out. I then took a car full of bits to the recycling centre in Ingatestone. I think I'm going to be a regular visitor for a while.

I've cooked tea already as I'm out doing my life saving class tonight. I can really do without it to be honest because I was on FaceTime and message to you until 1.00 this morning. Remember everything I said. May will be here sooner than you know it. Maybe something will come along for spring break, just ask about.

Hope your posters turn up soon. I'll send your parcel off soon as well. Is there anything else apart from your trousers, t.shirt and chocolate that you want me to put in. The box is quite big so has plenty of room for other things. Maybe one of your jackets you left behind. Let me know.

Love you x

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