Fading tulip
I had planned to go out again today to get some photos but with this miserable weather it is actually more appealing to stay indoors and get on with the ironing!
So we have a low light tulip instead.
I do have to go out to watch Thomas' rugby game this afternoon as I promised I would, but it will be cold and wet and miserable. It is actually worse for the spectators because at least they are having fun running around and which boy ever minded a bit of mud?
Book club tonight and I have actually read the book this time - The Little Coffee shop of Kabul. It was a very light read, totally predictable with clichéd characters although quite an enjoyable story to learn about life in Kabul. So after that bit of fluff I felt the need to read something worthy and have been reading The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene, which has been described as one of the greatest English novels ever written. I am enjoying it so far, despite it being written over 66 years ago.
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