Blipper's Daily (?)

By blipper

Birthday Preparations

My wifes birthday on Thursday and the tradition at her place of work is that if it's your birthday you bring in cakes for the rest of the staff, seems a bit 'back to front' to me....surely THEY should bring in cakes for her?

Still this meant I spent all evening batch baking a number of cakes, yes I know the birthday is still a couple of days away but tomorrow night is spoken for (Camera club meeting). I had intended to do a blip of the freshly baked cakes but I'm still waiting for them to finish cooking.

So instead her is another birthday related blip. Flowers for my wifes birthday from our eldest son who recent moved away from home to attend University. Yes, I know THESE are also a couple of days early but he sent them early in case of another postal strike.

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