A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

What's the best thing that happened to you today?


You know just once in a while you get the parenting thing right...

Carl's out, kids were a little hyper and not that interested in settling down to bed. Sent each to their rooms to read for a bit. Went to Anna's room, turned off the lights, lay on the pillow next to her and introduced her to the bedtime question game.

What was the silliest thing that happened to you today?
Playing with the mice twins on mine and Sivad's mittens at the end of the day.

What was the kindest thing to happen to you today?
Jackson lent me his calculator to help score with darts.

What was the funniest thing that happened to you today?
Showing you the fake Willy Wonka ticket me and Perri made.

And onto JJ...

What was the most serious thing that happened to you today?
When I was the teacher for one minute in the class and had to time a science experiment.

What was the most exciting thing that happened to you today?
Learning to make a new sound (sticks fingers in mouth, blows and makes revolting noise, joyously).

What was the greenest thing that happened to you today?
Walking to school across the common.

What was the silliest thing that happened to you today?
Making a quack sound in school when I saw a picture of a duck.

There were more but not sure I can remember all the answers now. The main thing was we talked about bits of both their days that were too inconsequential for them to have remembered or bothered to tell me. But were lovely and made me feel closer to the bits of their day that are invisible to me. So I sneaked a blurry picture to remind me.

And they both said how much they loved the game and could we play it again. We alternated with them asking me questions too. I need to tag this blip to come back to when I'm having a rubbish parenting moment.

Lesley x

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