A Lightbulb Moment, London

Day 28 of 365. I really liked this display near Carnaby Street. I sometimes feel my lightbulb moments are rather few and far between!
However, I find with work it's very hard if you've got a good idea to get it recognised if you're below a certain level in the chain of command. I think that is a major failing in a lot of businesses, not listening to the people who do the job every day. Surely if you take heed of some of your employees suggestions it can lead to a more productive and more co-operative environment. Even a small sign of encouragement really does boost morale. Glad I've got that off my chest!
Today was also the first day back at work for one of my work colleagues after three months away - he spent the time recovering from a road accident. He was knocked off his bike and broke his arm and shoulder - all probably because someone couldn't wait a few seconds to come out of a side road safetly.

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