Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Jerry the lodger gave me a turn today ...

Today Jerry gave me the slip and found his way into the section of the garage where we keep the 15kg bag of luxury dog food ... I shall talk you through it ..
1.I hear a loud noise
2.I find a large box of dog food with lid still intact toppled over on the floor ..
3.no Jerry in sight
4.hear noise akin to a Gremlin when they raided the popcorn counter in the film a kind of grumble type growl
5.He has managed to undo a 15kg bag that was pegged up tight and HE IS BURROWED INSIDE IT !! Just his hind legs and tail visible HE IS EATING HIS WAY TO THE BOTTOM !!
6.I remove him and he is growling and thrashing and really very angry with me .. He was like a crack addict !!!
7.he is physically unable to move .. His tummy is ENORMOUS and all distended ... He stinks ..
8.Tits informs me he is pooping whole kibble pieces ..
9.he looks like a barrel .

Right .. Today's blip ... I am decoupaging an old bedside table with a map of the London Underground to go in Jakes room. Sadie dipped her ear in PVA glue the stupid moron.I just need to varnish it tomorrow ...THE UNIT NOT THE DOGS EAR !!!

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