Snapshots of rural France

By SuzB

Well it's all for me grog, me jolly jolly grog...

...all for me beer and tobacco....

Well you don't have creative artistic talent tonight. It's been a long day...

Spotted this in the chemist today. The perfect remedy for winter blues, colds, coughs etc. Lemon, cinnamon, honey, and ginger...a tiny little jar for 7€95! a bargain (NOT!)

why buy that when you could make it yourself...

Today was made up of;
Work: dropped into the office (to get my NEW key) and chat to new old colleagues...and do some work (of course!)
Accountants (Angoulême): to get my 2013 accounts in and ask for a VAT refund and cotisations reconsideration...I am sure those of you working in France will get what I mean there.
Home for lunch
Back out in the afternoon for a little shopping, chemists, post office visit and some more prospecting before home and a surprise visit from a friend at the end of the day. Which was very nice.

Hope you all had a good Tuesday!

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