Plumbers thumb

My poorly car has been fixed. Rear engine oil seal replaced, required gear box and clutch to be removed!

Received text from my plumber boy as I was leaving to pick car up. Having thumb x rayed as I have cut it. He has actually sawn a bit of his thumbnail off and gone through the middle of it. X ray was to check he hadn't hit bone. Gross. Here you see the 'bit' that did the damage and the offending thumb.

Jame got his options booklet today. In 6 months my boy begins GCSE courses. He has decided what he is doing, his route to A level and Uni pre considered . Little annoyed at a blatant miss selling of what Russell Group universities require as entrance requirements ... However I have to remember that I am IN the system so I reacted differently to the propaganda! James has chosen wisely, to suit his skills, attitudes and interests. That's what matters, not the manoeuvring to 'choose' based on other factors. In this I will support him.

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