Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

I like driving in my car

Well I would if my feet reached the floor and I didn't want to eat the steering wheel (bloody teeth!!)
Well the boys were very good last night they only woke at 3:30 for a feed (Elliot woke a little after 9 but that was to finish his bedtime bottle off so not a proper wake up).

They then slept till gone 8.

The day has gone a little better than yesterday but we had a few moments I think our teeth are bothering us as we have been more than happy to have our dummies, one set of binkies has gone in the wash and a second set are now soaking and we have learn how to put toys in our mouth today (needs must).

If it is teeth I hope they make an appearance soon as I can't get two seconds to myself atm!!

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