Impulse buy...

...first seen while dashing through the garden centre yesterday morning to fetch my belated Christmas present. I just loved the colour combination, and we can always guarantee that hellebores will grow in our garden. One of the assistants laughed as I picked it up saying " I love to see people act on impulse!" Apparently she had her eye on it and was hoping no-one would buy it, so that she could!!

We had heavy rain virtually all day, so at least it gave me a bright, cheerful subject. The rain ceased just before dusk, so Rosie and I got out for our walk and even enjoyed a decent sunset. But it couldn't outshine this beauty.

After our walk I cooked carrot cake and bacon and asparagus flan (low fat, with a filo-pastry shell) for high tea. This is an unusual event in our house, but the lads had seen it on the TV and thought it sounded a good idea. It proved just the right sort of light meal before going to the cinema in the evening to see the Desolation of Smaug. We weren't expecting great things of this, but enjoyed it more than we expected, and I even stayed awake till the end, just! And when we got home Pete made a much more fattening supper of Welsh Rarebit....but it was delicious!

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