
By WhatTheJules

My Front Yard

I am may considered luckier than most. This is my front yard.
You are probably saying to yourself, "That girl is bananas, clearly that is a park." And, you'd be correct on both fronts. This is a park, and it's quite large, and very beautiful. When I step outside, then out the gate, there it is. In the future I will share the beautiful rose arches that surround a lovely fountain (yes, reclaimed water).
Here is the fix I am in:

That park is there, day and night. It is a city park that is well patrolled by LAPD officers. Even at 2 AM in Los Angeles I could safely walk there, but for the agoraphobia.

Something is keeping me in this house.

If I have a specific place to be or someone, I can take the elevator from the fourth to the subterranean garage, get in my wonderful car and speed safely to a known and well mapped destination.

It's a one way street that circles my beautiful park.

I can't get out.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, last week I went out on a shopping trip. Alone. Four hours of out and about. I had an hysterically good time.
The next night I went to a Venice art gallery to support a friend at her iphoneography gallery opening.
I hugged people.
Someone said I am too pretty to stay cooped up.
Someone else said that the world welcomes me back.
Don't cry Jules! Don't cry Jules!

A new breeze is blowing.

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