skooldayz: knightcote reunite

Woke up in Hotel Chandos again, but spent a really enjoyable day hanging with all the homies in our flat. Mornings after nights out are always super relaxed at home. Shane and me had a shoot-out with nerf guns around the flat. Then I took care of photo ops (finally) and we hit sainsbury's (finally). Guess what came in the evening.
Grabbed the bus with Ali, dressed as ever with the m&ms tie. We got to AV1 where Kris and his friend Chris were chilling in what they thought was the right kitchen. Soon enough, it was packed with finalists and graduates, not a single fresher! Finally, our boys Eze E and king faffer Jay realized we were there. It was the vibe of ski tour, with even more people. Remi, Hamza, Eloise, Pam, Hannah, all there (winning squadron)! After some rounds of thunderstruck and a ridiculous round of that game where you nominate for specific cards (ace of spades on the third go??? sorry Hannah!), I headed off to Tocil for another pre drinks session. Things got even sicker from there. Sam, Orla, Will, Gav, Adrien, Beckie and a bunch of others were all there. Best of all, Lia, Charlie and Jess all came up for the occasion!! Damn, even Skool Dayz was mental. Good music and a lot of jagerbombs and dancing. Why does it have to close at 2am? Where are you supposed to go after when you're still on a high buzzing?
Anyway, I'm gonna remember tonight whether I like it or not, amazing.


oh and credit to Orla for this shot, seeing as I let my camera circulate and didn't take a single photo myself! classic.

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