
By Herbster


Morning breakfast, herbie got quite excited when he saw his balloons hanging up, so have him this one that had gone a bit soft, to have a good old squeeze.

Herbie been with daddy day care today. They over to see Stu pots and little Ewan, then onto his folks for a belated Sunday roast. I joined after work and he was having lots of fun with cousin Lucas.

His cough seems to be getting worse today and he is getting a bit chesty so think we might be off to the docs on his birthday tomorrow! Least he doesn't know what day it is.

This time last year I was in full on labour! Feeling quite emotional today and yesterday, it's just such a wondrous thing to experience, and my heart is just overflowing for the love and compassion I have for the little chap. Filling up just thinking of him. X

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