
By Julesey

Walk up Hay Bluff

Have recently found a group of girls who like walking and had a surprise call Saturday morning to see if I fancied a walk. The weather forecast wasn't great but it seemed ok in Hay. We drove up to Hay Bluff car park via a tiny road through Llanigon which was just gorgeous. As we got out of the cars however the wind was absolutely howling. Two of us had no waterproof trousers though we did have waterproof coats. Not long into the walk the rain came in on top of the wind. We nearly turned back but there was always a stopping point. ' Lets see what it is like at the next corner' Lets see what it is like at the top, oh just get to the trig point. At the top it was worse. We were almost getting blown off our feet. Munchy was not impressed and was hunkering down , head to the wind looking rather sorry for himself. We reached the trig point and after this triumphant selfie decided to cut back down the front of Hay Bluff missing out on Lord Herefords Knob ( Twmpa) . Munchy was by now so wretched he even whimpered to be carried . Short shrift was meted out. It was sleeting by this stage,
Back to Sharon's house for hot tea, dry clothes and Lemon Drizzle cake. Next planned walk is 15th Feb, fingers crossed for better weather

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