Cheese (scones)

Up early, hens out, then out with Juno.

Got a heavy elm round to split, Juno just followed me.

Out for a long walk with the frisky, Juno would not give it up, so had to distract before I could get her to chase it.

I struggle just to walk so searched around and found 65 golf balls, I was amazed but now realise it was from across the road. Will hand them onto work colleagues.

Indoor football with the dev squad. A fun futsall game as they did not want coached today, prelins on their minds so just let them have fun.

Home and tea made and out to football committee meeting, I was looking at a tour to Canade in 2015 to watch the womens world cup. Looks like it may happen,.

A family tea which was nice.

I made soup and cheese scones for tomorrow,

With sitting in front of computer screen all last week could not face it when I came home so now up to date with blip.

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