It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

On Coombes

I was glad the week was over. It had been a mentally challenging one and I hadn't eaten well so was low on energy. Nothing like a hill run to the deli and fruit & veg shop on a Saturday to recharge the batteries.

I ran up the right hand side of Coombes Edge....well scrambled anyway. The clay type surface was waterlogged and very slippery, not helped by high winds. Even the hardy sheep were huddled behind the dry stane dykes! Still, the light was beautiful, a hazy saturated winter one and it wasn't too cold. My Salomon top that Rosemary got me for Xmas was perfect for such conditions. I crossed Monks Road and then headed down the hill at pace, towards Glossop with the wind now battering into my face. Soooo much fun, and then yike. My foot slipped and I was flying backwards, but in a nano second I flipped round just enough to avoid landing on my camera which was in my rucksack.

I was now going at a snail pace as the tracks were so wet, steep and slippery. Descending towards Simmondsley, I chose to run down a river as it's bed was far more solid than the surrounding bog. Yike again.....bald man swallowed by mud. Fortunately, it only swallowed me to my knee and I managed to extricate myself out without losing a shoe. I was glad to get to a road and solid ground with the remaining mile into Glossop being easy.

Sarah's face in the Deli was a picture! I gave her two choices a) do my shop for me whilst I stood by the door or b) get a muddy floor. She chose the latter, laughing at how my face was caked in mud. Goodies purchased, it was off to get my fruit n veg and then home. After a wee snooze, I headed into town to see the Grayson Perry tapestry exhibition at Manchester Art Gallery. It was mobbed. The irony was that most of the viewers in the gallery were similar to those depicted in the ironic tapestries. I suspect Perry would have had a chuckle and was maybe intentionally taking the piss out of the faux bourgeoise!

I was grumpy when I got home, drifting in and out of consciousness. After awakening from one mild stupor, I checked Facebook and Rosemary posted that there was an overnight mountain marathon starting in! Grumpy once again because it was now wholly impractical to go an watch. I fell back asleep.

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