
By Blokko

Weather With You....

Winter in the UK has been pretty mild on the whole this year. So, the cold weather out in the Mid West US is going to come as a bit of a shock to the system tomorrow when I fly to Chicago to run a 3 day training course.

Here we see the extra layers I have packed for the journey. Also packed my hiking boots, fleece and several other layers. Plan to walk from hotel to office if I can, but -15c forecast (with windchill, much lower) so might have to try to get a taxi (I'm sure that won't be easy).

Of course, all of this is dependent upon whether the flight will actually run and get me into O'Hare. I know that a number of flights into the Mid West have been cancelled over recent days and weeks due to the weather - so I might yet be making my way back home from LHR.....

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