Corvid Fiesta

By CorvidFiesta

Arthur's Seat

Another busy day of orienteering in Edinburgh; this time on Arthur's Seat. The morning dawned a couple of degrees above Baltic, the wind a few knots off a hoolie, and rain that might have worried Noah. Luckily, before my time to run, the rain stopped, the wind died down and the sun was even out. I had a good run on a course planned by my daughter. I made a couple of small errors and then a real stonker at the last difficult control, that spoilt an excellent run. As good citizens do, we volunteered to bring in controls; I asked for the ones on Crow Hill as I needed a blip. The weather wasn't great and this is the top of Arthur's Seat from Crow Hill. As you can see the sky was awfy threatening, and sure enough, it was raining by the time I got down to Dunsappie Loch. It didn't put off the crowds that always climb the hill. A good day and excellent weekend of orienteering.

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