
By Kiteseeker

Nervous rider

Not much opportunity to grab a blip.

After a wet run through Star Posts woodland avoiding mountain bikers along the way. It was into the car to dry off and change clothing. After a lovely spicy chilli from Podium Catering it was a case of heading back north. Youngest son was house and dog sitting so we wanted to be back in time for a family meal. I think it was somewhere near Sheffield before I began to thaw out.

As we bumped along the forest track I spotted this rider who obviously had not expected to be riding in traffic off road (a request not to leave the event before 1pm led to a mass exodus as soon as the go ahead was given).

I was leaning out of the window to try to capture any shot I could get. This was the best of the bunch.

Wonderful to arrive home to a roaring fire and enthusiastic welcome from Jet.

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