The peace of falling snow

(I have just noticed my blip from last year!!)

When I woke up the rain was pummeling the windows and then I was aware it had stopped so I thought, thank goodness I won't get soaked for my walk. I looked out and noticed that the rain had gone quiet, not because it had stopped but because it had turned to snow!

The dogs were still keen and so out I went, fully waterproofed but with a sense of adventure as the car slithered on the newly fallen snow. I couldn't quite get to my usual walking spot and had to abandon the car in a handy parking space, finishing the hike on foot pulled up the hill by both eager dogs. Perhaps they could be tethered to a sledge some day??

The walk was fabulous. The lightly falling snow gave a hush to everywhere and with no wind, the light flakes rested on even the spindliest branches and this is the fabulous view looking down the hill and then up towards the distant open moorland. My friend had joined me with her golden, Brodie, and all three dogs enjoyed scampering about in the snow with poor Bruce having to jump even higher than the others to get through the snow as his legs are so much shorter. Of all the shots I took of them I love this one where the look on Cara's face quite definitely says "I have a headache now" as Brodie bounds excitedly up to her. The snow slowed us down but eventually we made our way through the trees and found ourselves on the moorland where the snow was quite thick by now and the dogs just loved it. The panoramic view of the hills which I have blipped so often was completely hidden by the falling snow and today even the foreground trees were quiet as eerie ghosts watching as the dogs romped about. This shot was my second choice for the blip today.

We were out for about two hours and by the time we returned to the abandoned car the thaw had begun and the road was a slushy river. Hadn't we been lucky .... and I have the dogs to thank for enticing me out.

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