sugar sweet and so is she...
This weekend is the Big Garden Bird Watch...
I was watching. In between making tea for Beloved. (Yes, is still at it).
Birds are not often in our garden, being as we have the Not-So-Sleek Cat and the Sleek Cat. The Not-So-Sleek cat is not one to worry the birds. She prefers to sit on the window ledge and caw caw caw through the window at them.
The Sleek cat is another matter. It is very rare that we get through a day without recovery of some form of dead species in the garden. Admittedly, normally it is mice, and voles, the occasional newt... the birdies have gotten wise to her. Although she does still bring the odd one back. They do so leave such a mess.
Bells do not discourage her. She has been spotted, hobbling on three paws, while the fourth, is strategically placed around her collar silencing the bell.
That being said, the weather today is awful, and given that I threw her out into it at 7 this morning for a couple of hours, she is laying upstairs on the bed now recovering; and I feel the birdies are aware of this, and so have ventured in to make the most of the windfall (which, yes, I have never cleared)
I think this little chap is around quite a lot. He can be heard in the evenings, in the warmer weather singing from the fence post. The noise he makes when Bean is around is quite something to be fearful off. I think perhaps Bean is a tad scared of him and his noise.
That being said... he was quite scared when he became aware of my not -so-sleek arse crawling across the floor towards the window to get optimum shot. And seconds after this was taken, he was off!
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