Talking to a Brick Wall
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This wall, very near our house, has been an 'almost blip' many many times. I often think 'Oh no, I haven't got my blip' when I see it and start snapping away. As you can see, it's not a particularly pretty wall, but it's found a wee place in my blip heart. And, finally, a place in my blip journal.
Yesterday, we went to our very good friend Mila's 57th birthday 'merienda’ (rough translation 'birthday tea’). Lovely time had by all, a group of 10 of us, from 5.30 till 10.30pm. The evening ended by Viv and I singing 'Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon' to mark Burns Night and Bb doing the 'Address to the Haggis' to the remaining chunk of birthday cake! Lots of opportunities for blips, but there never seemed the right moment to take any shots. So, my wall finally gets its day of fame.
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