wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Supplies for after the concert

I have the funniest friends. They all knew I needed a blip by midnight so they created a vignette for your viewing pleasure. We have named it:
Après concert supplies.
1 ibuprofen the best invention on the planet after standing and holding a choral folder for any length of time.
2 cash for the beer that you really need after. In this case Blue Moon. I know not robust enough for many of you however pickings be slim. It was either that or shudder Coors light.
3 Keys to drive as fast as you can to the restaurant.
4 sign language as we do a song in sign language. actually the chorus does a song in sign language, I am doing God knows what with my hands and the rumor is for tomorrow I will be wearing mittens
5 Ingrid's cool bracelet. I got that for her for Christmas.
6 phone to call your husband or partner or wife or whatever to advise them you are going out for a beverage.
7 desert menu. Seriously I need to explain this? The chocolate is more than I can handle.
8 friends. They make anything better. I am truly lucky or blessed. Either way. I love them

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