Whisky Falls

We headed off this morning to Lake Rotoiti - parked one car at Kerr Bay and the other at Paddy's carpark (saving us the boring hour of road walking when we finish).

Whisky Falls for lunch - so named because an illicit whisky still was found here in the 1880's. The main fall itself is over 40 feet high. I've only blipped the bits at the foot as too much light was shining through the tree cover at the top. Lovely spot and not too many sandflies.

Made good time and arrived at Coldwater Hut early afternoon.

We had decided to stay there - as it's unserviced and smaller we figured there'd be less people. Good decision. There were only us 3 and a lovely young man from Germany - whereas Lakehead Hut was full (24 adults plus some children!). By stopping here we were trusting to the river being ford-able in the morning....

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