Sticken in Striven

This is the downturn in action, parked ships in Loch Striven as no work for them.

I went for a wee run around some hills this morning. Eco Mum dropped me off, rather than at the end of a ridge I decided to go straight up one of the sides. I used to love just going straight up steep ground, being unfit it was a nightmare, still managed to get the lungs and legs going.

I used to only use 1:50000 maps but I had a 1:25000 today(that is an orange one instead of a pink one), noticed that there was a fenceline along the ridge so made to the fence and met the ridge fence junction and navigated by the fence round the horseshoe.

Finished the horseshoe and agin using the 1:25000 took a bearing to a gap in the trees (thick conifers) to the road and then back to the cottage. Nothing much about except thousands of pheasants.

Took thefamily out for cakes in the afternoon.

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