
By bitznblipz

The Battle of Nantwich

Today is the 370th anniversary of the battle which took place on 25 January 1644. The battle was between the Royalists and the Parliamentarians. The Parliamentarians won.

Each year the armies march into the town centre, stand on parade for a while then go across the river to a green area, Mill Island, to re-enact the battle. Today, as they reached the town the rain started, but still mixed with a little sun. Then the heavens opened and we had fierce rain, huge hailstones, thunder and lightening and a gale force wind. I've never experienced all of those at once and I was having a battle of my own trying to hang on to the camera and an umbrella - I felt I'd do a Mary Poppins at any moment. This year I'm afraid I gave the battle a miss as I was soaked!

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