Welcome bouquet #3

More water large.

A good evening last night. Social event at the village hall to celebrate Burns Night. Full three course meal, good whisky toast to the haggis, which tasted wonderful - the haggis as well as the whisky that is! Village Highland Games like you've never seen them before (apologies to all my Scottish blip friends!) and a wee bit of singing at the end. A relaxed social event for everyone else ... I was still in "introductions/meeting people" mode. Good to be seen to be there though. I enjoyed the evening and got home rather late.

Tried to split myself in two this morning, not very successfully. Started by going back to previous base to help get panto scenery started - yes, it's that time of year again! Then back to new base to the village coffee morning organised by the school - lots more introductions. I'm never going to remember all these names!

Invited out for lunch. About to visit a group this afternoon and then I really must learn the rest of my panto script before tomorrow!!!

Quick blip of one of the roses from the bouquet, although they are going over and it was shedding petals rapidly while I was trying to set up! Yes Tigger, the new alcove has started leaking already! :-)

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