Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Days of mine

Out on the mountain bike this morning, covered in mud and as happy as a pig in you know what.

A quick brush up and into town for Coffee and a little bite to eat.

I found myself drifting off into my own little world (not unusual for me), blank, staring eyes lost to the world.

I found myself down by the river, the sound of the water a balm to my soul. The wind pushed and shoved at my clothes and made worrying words at my ears, something wicked this way comes.....
As the clouds began to gather and the distinct smell of rain came across the fen, I turned the bike around and went home. Darkness came rushing in. Before I made it home the rain chased me up the street, driving hard at my ankles. Pursued like some wild animal I could feel it growing in rage behind my wheels. Turn the corner, down the street, hurry...wild things blowed in viscous anger....a hard, vengeful storm front that was keen to see me off.

In the house and it hit..lightning and thunder, wind from the spite of the gods, wild weather....just the sort of stuff I love!!

Hahhh these days of full of great stuff!

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