MarcyW Photography

By Marcy

Busy Saturday

After another night of very little sleeping, and weird dreams when I did manage to fall asleep, I woke up with a fright at 8am as knew I had a photo shoot at 10am…Soon after waking I got a message on FB from a client in CT saying she wanted to make posters of two of the images I took, but the size was too small. So I rushed up to my computer, searched for the images, changed the sizes and Dropboxed them off. My aim is to always keep a client happy with my photography.

Rushed to get ready….quickly ate breakfast, a cup of coffee, then got another message saying my client for this morning would be late as she had overslept….so I sat back and * relaxed * DEEP BREATHING was needed!

The shoot went very well. I asked a friend to come and help look after the baby so the mom could relax and enjoy the shoot, I did sit the little one on the bed a few times to capture her as well.…This little one I have been photographing since she was 3 months old. Our next big shoot will be her first birthday , a * Trash The Cake* shoot in March.

The rest of the afternoon I have been editing….yesterdays shoot and checking todays shoot.

Later I'm going to relax with Hubby and a glass of red wine - :

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