Red, Black and White

Ahhhh Finally finished this quilt. It is a commissioned piece for a company, and I have made an easy quite very hard work! But at last its finished and it will be posted on Monday. I was going to crop this, but then noticed three hens lurking in the back ground.

I have heard from Mr PB and L and they are on their way home from Newport. L thinks he did ok, so lets hope he did enough. I have thought about him all day and been quite tearful at times. Hoping he can sell himself and also that his talent is of a standard they are looking for. Then there is the thought that he could be leaving home in the Autumn, which makes me happy and sad all at once. I realised earlier in the week that within a year both boys could leave home for Uni. As I wipe away the tears I wonder which of their rooms I will have for a sewing room! :'( / :')

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