The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

Day at the beach

It was a good day for someone with the Blip Syndrome (recall yesterday's entry). The sun was shining, and I realised that my Blip-time was extended with one hour because of daylight savings time. Although it was more like a psychology thing, because I should have realised too that it gets dark one hour earlier too. I never got that one-hour thing anyway....

Anyway, we decided to go to the beach today. Partly because it makes for a good Sunday afternoon walk, but now also because the beach can provide pretty good bliportunities. I wonder what my boyfriend thinks of my new hobby; I'll have to make sure (or pretend anyway) that it doesn't control our lives... This beach near the Rotterdam Port is famous with kitesurfers; it's a pretty cool sight.

I had some very nice close-ups of a bee on flowers, but I decided to go for a shot which was more 'beachy'. After all, that was my day today, and for this is some sort of daily journal (at least, up till now), the photo should at least be slightly connected to the day's activities. Of coarse, the additional advantage is that I can always say that I had dozens of fantastic pictures, but I decided to go for the out-of-focus, boring one because it was more connected to my actual day...

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