
The cold weather has been relentless this week as you can see by the giant icicle hanging from the roof here. I took this at my sister's house this afternoon. She had her son go outside and knock this down along with other smaller icicles that were hanging nearby right after I took the photo. She was worried about her dogs being in the yard in case they should fall when they were out there.

The dogs bark to go out and then once they are outside and realize how cold it is, they look back at you as if to say 'are you kidding me?' They do their business and want to come right back inside. Who could blame them. Just going from the house to the car is painful! At least the dogs have their furry bodies. I feel like the little boy from A Christmas Story. I have so many layers on I can barely move! At least we had sunshine today. I think that might have warmed things up to 18F ! Spring can't come soon enough!

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