
By RobinBanneville

A Day Without Rain (would have been nice)

Some days are worse than others ... Today was worse than some days.
I got used to being soaked to the skin ...
I got used the hazard lights, indicators and reversing lights on the van not working properly ...
I got used to pulling over to the side of the road every time my mobile phone rang, because the "hands-free" wasn't functioning ...
I got used to the roadworks and impossible traffic jams ...
I got used to not having time to stop for a coffee break ...
Maybe things don't actually go wrong ... Maybe they just don't always go the way I planned ...
If there is one thing that I regret about today, it was getting angry ...
"Acceptance", not anger, is the key to serenity ...
Anger is the way to insanity ...
... and by the way, did I mention that it also rained a bit ... :o)
(The special effects in this blip are courtesy of the rain, lashing against the windscreen of the van.)

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