Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Ake Ake flowers

I've captured some ake ake flowers today, growing on a plant in my next door neighbour's garden. This is the same plant as I blipped before, but that didn't have any flowers.

There's been a lot of response to Horomaka's and my star pictures, with some local blippers showing an interest in creating some shots of their own. So Horomaka and I came up with the idea of holding a blipmeet to capture the stars on the night of Friday 28 February out in the darkness of Banks Peninsula and Kaitorete Spit. It's to be a night with 0% moon. Horomaka has had a lot of experience with Night Sky photography, so he'll be guiding the venture.

Horomaka's suggestion at present is that we meet at the junction of Poronui Beach Rd and Bayley's Rd (the junction of the Akaroa Highway and the turn off to Birdlings Flat) at 10.30pm. However, there's been more discussion today and we're considering meeting earlier at a nearby cafe, maybe even for dinner if you're interested.
Save the date, and if you're interested in joining us, let Horomaka or me know. We might have to limit numbers to 8 or 10.

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