Fickle Fingers?

Another monochrome, the black and white at odds with my thoughts which are very much shades of grey still full of thoughts that need to be ordered! My mood lifted by an exchange of texts with my friend, a typo did actually make me laugh out loud... thank you!!!

I liked this shot, as the rain thundered down, I walked for a short while before the light faded. The consequence of the rain was I had the place to myself, I cold have been the only soul left on the planet, silence abounds only broken by the noise of the falling rain on the waters of the loch and the sound as it battered off my hood. The branches fallen tree seemed to be like the fingers of a skeletal hand reaching out onto the loch.

Some of you will recognise the statue, Wee Peter stands on a stone pedestal in a cove at Aldochlay, legend evolved that it is a memorial to a child drowned in the loch, but it was in fact erected in 1890 by a local stonemason called William Kerr. The story of the drowned boy was one hammered into me as a child as we drove past on the way to Carradale, despite the fact I swam at a competitive level I was always being told don't swim in the loch, you will get tangled and drown, strangely enough I was encouraged a few hours later to train in the open waters of the Mull of Kintyre!!!!

William, his brother and sister had been orphaned and had been brought up by a family in the Luss area. At an early age William left Luss for London and became a successful builder, the statue now known as Wee Peter was designed to be incorporated in a new house he was building; the client did not like the statue, and it was taken back to the builders yard where it had been left lying in a corner for many years.

William decided to return to the lochside where he had spent a happy childhood, bringing with him the statue which he then erected in the loch perhaps to remind him of the happy days he had spent there The origin of the statue being christened Wee Peter is lost in the ether of time. Viewed in Large you can see the 1890 scribed into the plinth and what appears to be the name Kerr beneath

I hope you enjoy the shot and I hope the rain maybe give us a little respite!!!

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