
By MelanieMay

"It's just the high cost of loving, Temptation"

"I can resist everything but temptation", well this is not entirely true, I have resisted sugar for 10 days now, but on the eleventh day I rested. Although I am still keeping it gluten free as this is a gluten free almond base caramel peanut chocolate cake with a side of vanilla ice-cream. The cake was amazing, like a Snickers cake, but the ice-cream was blah! Very watery and not worth the calories, I thought I would enjoy the ice-cream more as I haven't had ice-cream in about 6 months, but I didn't like it. I was at Thai restaurant in Dublin with 8 strangers as part of my do more things that make me happy lifestyle, eating and being social makes me happy! It was a fun night. But I was amazed at the reaction of the guys who commented on my big appetite and how much I was enjoying my food, but isn't that the point of food, to enjoy it? It made me feel a little uncomfortable, I felt like they must have thought I was a pig or unladylike but fuck them, I enjoyed myself, and there must be some men out there who like a girl with a good appetite, right? If any of said men are reading this and would like to get in touch ...

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