nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn


I like the way each mouthful becomes marked on the glass.

I am a bit of a perfectionist/a bit anal and can spend too long on things. I had an email at 4.45pm today that seemed fairly urgent, and required me to do a bit of reading and give a considered opinion, but I also had to leave about 5.15pm. It's nothing major but it put me in the position if wanting to produce something good but quickly. I actually perform pretty well under such circumstances, but they are rarely found. I did probably my best bit of writing in standard grade English for school one evening, in one draft, a quick bit of life swiftly captured. I hated English and was in the top class feeling totally out of my depth, but my teacher took this piece and showed a colleague and thought it was wonderful.

Verbal diarrhoea over...I enjoyed the visit though.

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