A MIMent In Time

By justmim

What a beautiful card to arrive home to after a long day! :)

The busy-ness and productivity of the past few days had taken its toll. It wasn't so much that I was tired, more that my mind had momentarily reached maximum capacity for all things academia.

So today I'm thankful for little blessings. For having fellow doctoral student friends who 'get it' in a way that not everyone else does. For bumping into the right people at the right time. For the lovely purple envelope that was waiting for me when I got back. Thankful that Munchies were in stock in the uni shop.

Even thankful that the lack of focused studying during the day meant that I was relatively mentally alert for the research methods lecture this evening.

Thankful that today doesn't define anything.

I'm reminded of a couple of my posts from last year:

7th January 2013 :

"So...yes, let's name and shame today for what it was. Let's put it in the book of "yesterday" and learn the lessons ready for tomorrow.

Hope :)

"Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
all I have needed thy hand hath provided;
great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!""


8th January 2013 :

"I think (on reflection) that my problem is not so much the wall.

I think it is more about my approach.

Everytime I hit the so-called wall (which is generally more of a gradual bump, rather than an all-out thwack) I take a few steps back, pause, then try again. In more or less exactly the same way.

And repeat.

Instead of taking an extra few steps back and changing my approach altogether.

With a bit of strength and hope along the way!"

Taking note! Learning lessons...

(And of course....this one!)

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