
An impromptu trip to town (Birmingham to the non brummies amongst you).

Visited the Library. It was busy, nice to see and this room is a clever and thoughtful addition. Glad I was not the person in charge of moving it. It really is a step from the new to the old.

I have another headache! I think I need new glasses.

Finally since Christmas there have been numerous reports of men/man in a white van approaching young secondary school aged girls and asking them to get in. This has happened at schools across our area. Part of me wondered whether it started as a genuine report and then children got nervous and were misreading the situation.

Yesterday the news was the police approached some Eastern European men in a scrap van and seemingly it was all innocent. They were slowing down whilst looking for scrap and girls were getting worried.

Turns out today it was not all that innocent! They did it again this morning and harassed a girl and it was witnessed by a member of the public. Huge police operation ensued and three men were arrested.

It really leaves me sick to my stomach. My little girl possibly has to travel 30 mins to her new school with a bus journey. She should be able to do this on her own and in safety without being hassled by low life.

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