madwill's world

By madwill

Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb

We have a wonderful rhubarb plant in the garden that springs into life at the end of the year (roundabout Christmas). It produces kilos and kilos of stems right through to autumn. I has been in the ground in its' current location for about 11 years - it does seem to like it there. All it asks for is a couple of shovels of manure now and then.

There is so much more than we know what to do with! We eat loads (usually as rhubarb crumble), make enough chutney to last a year, freeze some 'just in case' and we give away loads to family, friends and neighbours. We still finish up putting lots on the compost heap.

Stems are already forming - so in a few weeks we will be harvesting our first crop.

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