... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

University Parks: Crocus

More uplifting in large ("L").

Another long day... My lunchtime amble took me to the University Parks (there is an entrance just opposite the Zoology building): it was quite bright, and there were some (very small) snowdrops looking eager to open, but they weren't quite there. I did find a smattering of crocuses in flower (white ones, yellow ones, and these purple ones), and saw long-tailed tits flitting from tree to tree in a family group which was lovely to see.

The bad news is that Ann got in touch to say that Mrs. has line around one of her legs (argh); it doesn't sound at all good, and she's being more wary than usual which will make her harder to catch. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything. Poor Mrs. :o(

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