South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

"The tragedy of Goring"

On the right of this photo from 1966 you can see the cottage that I took a blip of yesterday. The chimneys are different now, but you can just make out that the lead pained windows are the same. The thatched roof seems less steep back then, but this may be a trick of the angle.

As you can see, the next door cottage was being demolished and text in the book under the photo has an unbelievable quote from the Chairman of the Worthing Planning Committee saying, "These cottages, although old, are not listed as houses of historical value". One of the councillors at the same Committee meeting said, "I like old cottages but I think in this instance they're a little out of place". Honestly!! It is interesting that the owner of the adjacent garage who wanted to extend his premises (which required the demolition of this cottage) was an Alderman and former Mayor of Worthing! (Most of the demolition of the old cottages etc in Goring had already taken place in the 1930's to enable the building of new roads and houses).

It's unbelievable to think that so little thought was given to historical buildings back then - they were often seen as a nuisance to be got rid of.

Anyway, a friend came round for coffee this morning; this afternoon I have typed the agenda and this evening will be going to the church meeting that it applies to! Fairly sunny today, but cold, damp and windy, so I am in hibernation mode again...;-)

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